Is your organization turning its high-level safety goals into impactful performance change? Oftentimes, senior leadership will have high level goals such as “Incident Free” that everyone agrees upon. However, people often cannot agree on where to focus improvement efforts to achieve these high-level goals. Do you improve change management systems, risk assessment processes, third party management, or a myriad of other processes that may impact your high-level safety goals? How does your organization transform high level safety goals and process improvement goals into real performance change?
Quality Safety Edge can help you pinpoint and improve critical performances needed for the achievement of high level goals. Our Serious Incident Prevention℠ (SIP℠) for Senior Leadership solution helps you create a process that:
- Reviews your existing systems and their criticality to achieving your safety goals
- Identifies the systems and processes which impact achievement of safety goals
- Pinpoints the critical activities needed for those critical systems and processes to function well
- Measures and tracks the performance of critical systems
- Ensures accountability for critical performance at each level of leadership
- Identifies improvement targets and creates action plans to improve performance of critical safety systems